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Assets Owned & Under Management

This pie chart shows the total assets under management.
Morguard’s total Assets Owned and Under Management in North America is valued at $18.6 billion.  We have built our business on a proven management platform.  Our breadth of diversified asset classes supports a reliable and growing cash flow for Shareholders and Unitholders of Morguard’s three publicly traded entities – Morguard Corporation, Morguard REIT and Morguard North American Residential REIT. Our management platform has proven successful for institutional clients who trust Morguard for strategic real estate advisory services and money management – backed by 45 years of experience. 

Real Estate Portfolio – Ownership

This pie chart shows the breakdown of the real estate portfolio by ownership.
Our core strength is real estate. We continue to build on our broad and efficient real estate platform in North America which provides the foundation to continuously enhance the quality and value of real estate under management driving value for those who invest with Morguard. Morguard has significant investments and management capabilities in five asset classes: retail, office, industrial, multi-suite residential and hotel. Geographic diversification is critical to income stability and income growth, reducing vulnerability to economic fluctuations. Morguard has diversified its owned and managed real estate portfolio to realize consistent financial performance.

Real Estate Portfolio – Asset Class

This pie chart shows the breakdown of the real estate portfolio by asset class.
This table shows the breakdown by Asset Classes within commercial, residential and hotel properties. 

Real Estate Portfolio – Geographic Area

This pie chart shows the breakdown of the real estate portfolio by geographic area.
The table shows the breakdown by Geographic Area in commercial, residential and hotel properties.