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Sevenoaks Shopping Centre Supports Local Bees

Sevenoaks Shopping Centre in Abbottsford, BC, is our most recent property to add a rooftop beehive. Bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem as one third of what we eat relies on pollination, yet bees are on the decline worldwide due to climate change, loss of habitat, toxic pesticides, among others.

“As the Fraser Valley is considered a top producer of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and berries in British Columbia, we are contributing to sustainability and pollination right here in the Valley,” states Kristal Hambly, General Manager of Sevenoaks.

We have worked to have a positive impact on the bee community by incorporating beehives, naturalized gardens, and bee-hotels at 19 of our Morguard-managed properties. For these projects, Morguard has partnered with Alvéole, a people-focused initiative that helps build ecological awareness through urban beekeeping and workshops with businesses and schools.

Morguard is proud to have included bees as part of our sustainability activities over the past several years. To learn more about our beehives, visit our Beehive Case Study.